Cecil Carr is the court monitor at Forest Hill Tennis Club. You will see Cecil around the courts just about every weeknight and weekend.
Cecil ensures that our courts are operated efficiently and that you will not have to wait long on busy nights.
If you need playing partners speak to Cecil as he probably has a name for you.
Name: Cecil Carr
Do you have a nickname? Car-man
How long have you worked at FHTC? 11 years
Favourite tennis player? Nadal
Racquet of choice? Wilson
One thing you can’t live without? Air
Favourite food? Fish, sushi
Junk food? French fries
Drink? Chocolate milk
Treat? Lemon meringue pie
Favourite sport to watch? NFL football
Favourite sport to play? Tennis
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Japan
Favourite colour? Black
Favorite Movie? Magnificent Seven
TV Show? SNL
Music? Show tunes
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